Check out the posts below for the latest Wesleyville Village news!
Gather your thoughts about Wesleyville and come to the Annual General Meeting NOTICE THE FRIENDS OF WESLEYVILLE VILLAGE, ONTARIO ONC 1953659 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (2021) Date: Monday April 4, 2022 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Location: Town Park Recreation Centre, 62 McCaul St. Port Hope Contact friendsofwesleyvillevillage@gmail.com for details. 7:00 - 7:50 PM – FOWV 2021 Annual Report, financial report, election of directors for 2022 – 2024 term, members’ comments and confirmation of actions of the 2021 Board of Directors. Municipal ownership of Wesleyville Village properties will be introduced by Port Hope CAO David Smith. 8:00 PM – Presentation – Albert Schultz, HopeTowns Community Ventures / Cloverlark Enterprises: Local Solutions to Global Challenges - HopeTowns is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to the revitalization of small- town economies through the expansion of local regenerative agriculture, the restoration of historic main streets, and the facilitation of a harmonious connection between the two. All are welcome to attend. Only members in good standing may vote. Because 2021 was such an exceptional year with hundreds of donations for the April 3rd Church Fire recovery, donations over $20 were counted as membership. If you would like to renew your membership for 2022 here’s how: Friends of Wesleyville Village - Membership Form The Friends of Wesleyville Village is a non-profit corporation of over 200 members who share a vision of preserving and revitalizing this heritage community for 21st Century uses. Please send us the following info & join us. Name(s)_______________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ E-mail Address _________________________________________________ Phone Number(s)________________________________________________ Annual Membership fees enclosed: _______ $20 per person _______ $35 per family _______ $1,000 life membership (Single or Couple) _______ Additional Donation Amount Payment options
By cheque addressed to: Friends of Wesleyville Village. Mailed to: Friends of Wesleyville Village, Petra Becker, Treasurer, PO Box 215, Port Hope, ON L1A 3W3
Interac e-transfers to: friendsofwesleyvillevillage@gmail.com (Please include e-mail and street addresses in the message box for tax receipt purposes)
Above Donate Now button (Canada Helps payment)
The Friends of Wesleyville Village, Ontario is a registered charity under Canada Revenue Agency designation #810984229RR0001. Membership and donations will be receipted.
2022 Donations will be matched by Municipality of Port Hope up to $25,000.
On Feb, 15, 2022, Port Hope Council approved a bylaw authorizing purchase of 1334 acres of waterfront property from Ontario Power Generation. The Schoolhouse, the Oughtred property and the Barrowclough property are included. New Hope United Church will still own the Wesleyville Church and Cemetery. The Friends of Wesleyville Village (FOWV) has leased the School, Oughtred house and barn and a portion of the Barrowclough property from OPG since 2017. Port Hope plans to continue this 20-year lease with our non-profit community organization.
The Wesleyville Church is leased to the FOWV by the United Church. After the horrible fire on April 3, 2021 the FOWV and New Hope United Church are collaborating on repair and restoration including the transfer of the property ownership to the FOWV.
There are many issues and details to consider for the future of our beloved village. As soon as we learned of Port Hope's proposed ownership, the directors met and agreed that local control of the property by our elected government was a positive development. On January 31st our Chair Kathryn McHolm sent the following message to Port Hope Mayor Sanderson and the members of Council: The directors of the Friends of Wesleyville Village, Ontario have reviewed the information provided in the staff report and on the Municipal website Wesleyville / OPG Lands Acquisition. We are supportive of this proposal and see it as an opportunity to work together with the Municipality and community partners to enhance stewardship of the environment and heritage in the Wesleyville area of Port Hope. Community control/ownership of this large ecologically sensitive portion of the Municipality could provide a way to address growth pressures while maintaining our unique community character. On behalf of our members, we anticipate an interesting and exciting partnership with the Municipality of Port Hope to conserve and share our natural and cultural heritage for the benefit of future generations. Kathryn McHolm, Chair, The Friends of Wesleyville Village, Ontario
Community support for Church Fire Recovery has been out-standing. THANK YOU ALL. The Church repair and restoration project is a major challenge for the FOWV in 2022. Fortunately, Port Hope Council added a $25,000 community grant in its 2022 budget. This is a matching grant to be paid quarterly as contributions are received.
Newsletter soon, but here's a tentative schedule of 2022 events in the village:
Want to renew your membership? Here's how - Friends of Wesleyville Village Membership Form The Friends of Wesleyville Village is a non-profit corporation of over 200 members who share a vision of preserving and revitalizing this heritage community for 21st Century uses. Please join us. Name(s)_________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ E-mail Address ___________________________________________________ Phone Number(s)___________________________________ Annual Membership fees enclosed: _______ $20 per person _______ $35 per family _______ $1,000 life membership (Single or Couple) _______ Additional Donation Amount Signature _______________________________________________ Payment options
By cheque addressed to: Friends of Wesleyville Village. Mailed to: Friends of Wesleyville Village, Petra Becker, Treasurer, PO Box 215, Port Hope, ON L1A 3W3
Interac e-transfers to: friendsofwesleyvillevillage@gmail.com (Please include e-mail and street addresses in the message box for tax receipt purposes)
Go to www.wesleyvillevillage.com Donate Now button (Canada Helps payment)
The Friends of Wesleyville Village, Ontario is a registered charity under Canada Revenue Agency designation #810984229RR0001. Membership and donations will be receipted. www.wesleyvillevillage.com Contact: friendsofwesleyvillevillage@gmail.com